Chrono trigger remake cease and desist
Chrono trigger remake cease and desist

chrono trigger remake cease and desist

What's especially odd - and/or maddeningly frustrating - is that the likelihood of a company issuing a cease and desist letter appears almost arbitrary. The remake's developers have since formed Big Cake Games and are working on a new game that's Metal Gear-free. However, there is a silver lining to this tale. Originally, the developers were told that, so long as they didn't make a profit from the game, Konami was "happy for them to go-ahead with the remake." Apparently not all of Konami was happy with this, as evidenced by a follow-up a few months later in which they canned the entire thing. These guys were dedicated.Īnd here's the worst part: they had the green light from Konami, or so they thought. For Pete's sake, they even got David Hayter himself to supply some voice work for their trailer. This came as a bit of a shock after the same developer just a few months prior announced that they had received Konami's blessing to move forward with development. In 2014, a fan-developer Outer Haven announced it was halting development on its remake of the 1987 classic, Metal Gear. The story of this fan-developed Metal Gear remake helps highlight just how arbitrary the whole cease-and-desist process appears. It was all for naught, however, as the project was apparently scrapped for unknown reasons. The footage shown was of a playable demo thrown together in six weeks. A video of a prototype Streets of Rage remake hit the web in 2012, courtesy of developer Ruffian Games. It's all based on visual interpretation."Īnd here's the worst part: Not only did Sega can this glowing endorsement of their own franchise, they shut down their own Streets of Rage remake as well.


According to the game's website, "It does not use reverse engineering nor a single line of code from the original games. It was a beast and, according to the developers, designed completely from the ground up. It contained over 100 stages, 19 playable characters, and a 76-song soundtrack remixed by five different musicians. This massive game was a glowing tribute to an arcade classic. After eight years toiling away on their own time, Spanish developer Bomber Link finally released Streets of Rage Remake.

Chrono trigger remake cease and desist